Assalamu alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuhu,
Allhamdulillah, it is truly by the will and favour of Allah subhana wa ta’ala, that the brothers and sisters of NYM Ink have been able to organize the seventh Generation Muslim Conference in Vancouver. SubhanAllah Generation Muslim 7.0, was truly the most successful GenM in Vancouver to date.
Below are just two of many testimonials and impact statements we received.
Was it really only 2 days ago that I was surrounded by brothers and sisters at a conference for the sake of Allah SWT?
It seems so far away and almost too good to be true. This Generation Muslim was by far one of the most beneficial, lively, and barakah-filled conferences ever. I find myself desperately wanting to hold on to that iman high that was boosted at the time of the inspiring lectures and beautiful congregational prayers. The feeling is indescribable, being in the presence of fellow Muslims, teachers, and leaders.It’s not about how many people were there and it’s not about where we were. It’s about WHO we were with and WHY we were with them. The answer is plain and simple: for the sake of Allah SWT.
Every year I think, this year was the best genM. But then the next year rolls around and boom, there is yet again another amazing and even better conference than the previous year. I hope that we can keep this momentum going inshaAllah and meet again next for Generation Muslim 8.0. Don’t keep this conference a 2-day thing…Make it last and make it meaningful.
Recall that Allah (swt) says: “Take one step towards me, I will take ten steps towards you. Walk towards me, I will run towards you.” Hadith Qudsi.
So, take that step and you will see a difference inshaAllah.
Seven years of GenM in Vancouver to this date Alhamdullillah. I can honestly say this was one of the most memorable GenM experiences I’ve had so far.
- The depth at which our knowledgable speakers shed light on topics so relevant to our day to day existence as Muslims. The way the speakers showed such a high level of empathy and understanding about what their fellow Muslims are going through, and their beneficial guidance on how we can strengthen ourselves and our families.
- The eagerness of the attendees who participated actively in the sisters and brothers exclusive workshops and their willingness to be open and raw about deep community issues during the Town Hall meeting. The high level of engagement towards developing positive solutions together as a group.
- The volunteers, many of which were volunteering at an Islamic conference for the very first time, many of which were very young waking up before the crack of dawn and working so hard as a united team.
- The camaraderie, the relationships, and the brotherhood and sisterhood between the participants, speakers, and volunteers was next level this year
- The laughs, the tears and the wisdom shared during the Volunteer Dinner of Champions
- And, the impact. Alhamdullillah!
A huge JazakumAllah khairun to everyone in our community who participated this year, despite the snow, despite whatever personal barriers and challenges you may have experienced in attending. This was a community effort, and may Allah (swt) allow our community to continue to strive to maintain our deen and work towards becoming united as an ummah. Ameen.
From the bottom of my heart, looking forward to Generation Muslim 8.0 next year inshaAllah!