NYM iNK has always been committed to aid and assist any youth group on the path of Da’wah. This is exactly what NYM iNK was tasked to do at the annual BTTYC Muslim Youth Conference entitled “Life as a Stranger”, held in Surrey, British Columbia. The 2nd annual BTTYC Muslim Youth Conference was held with dynamic speakers such as Sheikh Yusef Estes, Br. Abu Muslimah, Br. Yusha Evans, and Dr. Syed ibn Iqbal. Until recently, British Columbia had been a barren land, devoid of a Muslim youth movement seen in Eastern Canada, but Alhamdulillah, due to recent organization of youth movements across the Vancouver Lower Mainland, the Muslim youth are rising with a ferocity that is truly remarkable. Led by groups such as BCYO, Al-Huda, Al-Hidaya, Ajjyal Youth and Ummah West, the programs and events established by their hard work are having a profound effect on the youth in British Columbia.
“Life as a Stranger” featured various exhibits by different youth groups, including the dynamic NYM iNK clothing and informational booth, situated next to the BCYO exhibit. Both exhibits saw an immense amount of interest and traffic unparalleled by the other participants. NYM clothing aims to provide an alternative style to mainstream pop culture which is engrossed in obscenity, morbid violence, lack of morality, and the degradation of women. What is the solution? A need to establish a Muslim Alternative to pop culture; something that will attract our youth to the deen, providing an alternative sense of uniqueness, and pride in the deen. With styles such as “Islam, By Popular Demand” and “NYM Top Team” the styles are prolific and creative.
The event began with a panel discussion by local scholars discussing the pitfalls faced by local youth in Vancouver. This was followed by video lectures by Sheikh Yusuf Estes and Br. Yusha Evans. After a break for Asr prayer, Br. Abu Muslimah enlightened the crowd in a lectured entitled “The Amazing Race to Paradise”. After breaks for dinner and a skit/nasheed contest, Dr. Syed ibn Iqbal spoke as the final lecturer of the night. With an emotionally charged lecture, “Canada’s Next Top Role Model,” Dr. Syed elucidated the title of the conference, “Life as a stranger” and how Muslim youth can succeed in this duniya and in the akhira. Judging by the comments from many conference attendees they felt a large amount of inspiration from Dr. Syed’s poignant lecture. The event was finally closed out by the comedy styling of Br. Waseem Mo Money from Ottawa, who uplifted the crowd with his jokes.
All things considered, the BTTYC Muslim Youth Conference was a colossal success with upwards of 750 attendees making it the largest youth conference in British Columbia to date. NYM iNK was pleased to be able to provide support by exhibiting and providing speakers to the Muslim Youth organizations in British Columbia. In conclusion, we would like to repeat that NYM iNK is committed to Daw’ah efforts across Western Canada, whether it is through putting on conferences ourselves or assisting any other Brothers and Sisters on the path of Allah (SWT). NYM iNK is the one stop shop for all your Da’wah because for the youth….Islam is yearned for By Popular Demand.
Its nice to see the muslims UNITING!!! alhemdullillah
It’s inspiring to see these initiatives taking place, may ALLAH swt reward your efforts
As-salaamu alaikum wr wb
One Youth,
One Way,
One Cause,
One God,
Two coasts in sha Allah!
This kind of unity is long over due! Alhumdulillah!