
Unity: We all talk about it but how do we practically implement it?

Why should YOU contribute to NYM in these blessed 10 days?

Reason #1: Unity.

NYM’s in person programming spans across 4 provinces and 12 cities, and our online initiatives benefit Muslims across the globe.

NYM has partnered and worked in collaboration with 30 Muslim organizations.

It’s always been about working on the ground alongside our fellow community members to bring about true, transformative change and benefit to the ummah.

Support NYM to continue to connect and build the bonds of unity amongst Canadian Muslim organizations.

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Taariq Kudoos

Taariq Kudoos is an editor, organizer, and Dawah advocate for NYM Ink. He is currently a Professional Media Director, and you can often find him behind the camera at most NYM events. His involvement started after attending Camp Sunnah in 2017, where he immediately found a renewed connection with Allah (swt) and led to a personal responsibility to support Islamic Outreach. Over the past 5 years, he has been involved in planning local initiatives, managing events, and supporting local volunteers. His current focus in on building the Life Haqq Podcast as part of the media branch of NYM's projects.
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