NYM Ink holds inspirational course on how to become a Hero of Islam
On Saturday, March 10, 2012, well over a hundred Vancouver Muslims gathered at SFU Surrey to attend ‘Heroes’ an inspirational course offered by NYM Ink for the first time in Vancouver.
NYM Ink (a.k.a The Nation of Young Muslims), is an active organization comprising of Muslim youth from all over Western Canada. They collaborate with local organizations in various cities to help Muslim communities grow and develop. NYM Ink is known for many events, workshops, and seminars, some of their biggest events being the ‘Generation Muslim Conference’ and ‘Camp Sunnah’.
What qualities characterize a hero? How do you become a hero? Who were some of the heroes of Islam and how did they attain their status? These were some of the aspects discussed in the day long interactive course. Both Brothers and Sisters actively took part in the workshop, teaching, discussing, and learning from one another as well. Moreover, the instructor, Dr. Syed ibn Iqbal, provided insight on how to put forth our aspirations of being heroes in Islam and how to put them into action. Heroes was not your typical story telling session, but a hands-on course that focused on practical methods of becoming positive and significant contributors to the Deen of Allah (SWT).
The day began with exclusive workshops for Brothers and Sisters, where various topics of importance were discussed:
- The adab (conduct) of the student of knowledge.
- Common challenges facing the Ummah today and practical steps to address these issues.
- Qualities that Muslim brothers and Sisters are lacking today that is preventing them from becoming ‘Heroes’ and how we can attain these qualities.
The ‘Heroes’ workshop challenged attendees to assess themselves, but more importantly, set a vision of who they want to become and how to get there. As Dr. Syed explained it, “Everyone has an equal opportunity to be a hero.”
One attendee had some interesting thoughts to share:
[quote]“I didn’t know what to expect. I thought it would be a lecture on just the sahabah, but I actually liked how it was more geared towards us and how WE can be heroes in our everyday lives.”[/quote]
Coming out of Heroes, I felt a major, life-changing impact. As someone who is actively involved in Dawah and community work, this course was a valuable lesson for me that being involved many Dawah initiatives or large scale projects does not necessarily make me a hero. What makes someone a hero is what they do according to their own capacity, and how they demonstrate strength and steadfastness during the most difficult trials and tribulations. I also started thinking more about the importance of establishing a sincere intention before undertaking any action and embodying the qualities and characteristics I am trying to promote in the community.
Dr. Syed presented some examples of recent events where everyday people like us showed heroism. One of these examples was the Muslim convenience store clerk in the US, who brought someone into Islam through a simple act of generosity when faced with an armed robbery. I was incredibly inspired by this incident, because I realized that there are so many opportunities to be a hero for the Deen, and in many situations simple actions can have a massive and lasting effect. This encouraged me to start seizing every single opportunity to do good, whether big or small.
One of the main benefits of this course was that attendees came out with the important realization that being a hero does not necessarily mean being famous, but being able to summon your inner strength in the most difficult situations. Many were grateful to be part of this incredible experience, and can’t wait for NYM Ink’s next event, Camp Sunnah! Vancouver will be one of 5 cities to take part in this 5-day intensive camp for youth in scenic Crowsnest Pass, Alberta, where the Sunnah of the Prophet (salallahu alayhi wassalam) will be practiced 24-7!