
“Heroes” is an interactive, one-day course taught all across Western Canada by NYM Ink.

Who are your Heroes?

HaveĀ Dr. Syed Ibn Iqbal come to your community and regale you with the thrilling biographies of some of the greatest heroes in Islam!

What are the contemporary challenges facing Muslims today? How will YOU meet these challenges? These are questions that communities are always asking, which is why it’s time for us to discover the answers by delving into our history to uncover the gems of inspiration from Muslim heroes past!

If you would like incredibly beneficial interactive workshop with exclusive breakout sessions for brothers and sisters brought to your community contact us and we can arrange for the course to be brought there.

For more information, contact:

  • General Inquiries: info@nymink.com

Check out this beneficial short clip taken entitledĀ “Heroes” –Ā Subscribe to the NYMiNK YouTube Channel for more lectures and reminders!

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