The Imancipation Project

NYMink Presents: Imancipation – A Sisters Exclusive Workshop

Imancipation: releasing yourself from the shackles of this world and allowing Iman to guide you to true freedom!

Imancipation is an exclusive sisters-only workshop, aimed at revitalizing and cultivating the iman of Muslim women. Featuring a keynote speaker and three engaging workshops, Imancipation will critically address and respond to the issues that matter to us as sisters!

Let Imancipation boost your imān and have your self esteem soar to the sky to envelop you in the love of the Almighty. Driving inspiration from the women who’ve earned Jannah (radīallāhu anhum ajma’īn), Imancipation will take your iman to unimaginable heights insha’Allah.

[box_info]WHEN: Saturday, July 6th, 2013 (10:00 AM – 5:30 PM)
WHERE: Kwantlen Polytechnic University – Surrey Campus (12666 72 Ave, Surrey)
COST: $10 (Early Bird Discount), $15 (Regular)

Order Tickets Now:  !
For more information, please contact Yousra Syeda at[/box_info]

*Workshop 1: Muslimah Defined*
*Workshop 2: Are You Trending?*
*Workshop 3: The Secret*

*Keynote: The Journey to Imancipation*
Featuring Dr. Hala Ahmed

This keynote presentation will explore the concept of iman as the crux of the Muslimah’s identity. As the key driver of every thought, word, and action, iman should be the core of any Muslimah. Dr.Hala will take us through the journey towards true imancipation, freeing us from the shackles of this world and leading us to the pleasures of the next.

*Workshop 1: Muslimah Defined*
This workshop will explore how Muslim women define themselves in today’s world. It will delve into what exactly it means to be a Muslimah, and how we reconcile this with the present state of affairs. This workshop will provide a meaningful forum for thoughtful engagement on the growing issues related to identity, self-actualization, and empowerment of Muslim Sisters. Through dialogue and presentations based upon the Qur’an and Sunnah, insha’Allah we can come to understand how Islam’s definition of Muslimah truly does does emancipate us.

*Workshop 2: Are You Trending?*
This workshop revolves around one of the defining characteristic of Islām: hayā (modesty), as stated by Rasūlullāh ﷺ. What does it look like in contemporary times? How do we manifest this essential component of our faith in a world that connects through Facebook and Twitter? Hayā is not only about what we wear – it resides first in our hearts and manifests itself in the way we think, behave, interact and connect with the tools of these technological times. Join us for an interactive and illuminating session for a fresh and insightful look at the way hayā can be practiced online and offline!

*Workshop 3: The Secret*
This workshop will explore the underlying cause behind feelings of dissatisfaction and unhappiness from an Islamic perspective. The aim is to promote better mental health through an Islamic lens. The audience will be given techniques on how to improve overall well-being by viewing life experiences using an Islamic outlook. Come learn“the secret” to improved well-being psychologically, spiritually, and emotionally!

Book your tickets now- seats are limited! Visit  !

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